Click here to download Glenmoriston Millennium Hall Community Association Constitution
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What is going on? Why is everyone being invited to become a member of the Glenmoriston Millennium Hall Community Association?

The Glenmoriston Millennium Hall is currently in the process of reconstituting as a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation). This is a legal form unique to Scottish charities that allows them to enter into contracts, employ staff, incur debts and own property. It also provides a high degree of protection against liability, much like a limited company.

The constitution of the old organisation was also narrowly defined with the aim of just maintaining the Hall. The aims of the new SCIO have been broadened to facilitate a collaborative and inclusive approach not just to running the Hall, but also supporting any other community led activity for the people of Glenmoriston.

Until now the Hall has been held by a trust with the day to day running of the Hall delegated to a management committee comprised of the trustees and representatives from the main Hall user groups. The committee operates as an unincorporated association, registered as a charity.

Being unincorporated any contracts entered into, grants received or property ownership are all done jointly in the name of the individuals on the committee. That means if there was ever any legal liability to arise they could be personally liable and stand to incur considerable cost.

Why is this change happening now? As part of the public toilet refurbishment project two large grant applications have been made and contracts with Highland Council for the operation of the toilets are required. One of those sources of funding would not be able to make a grant to an unincorporated organisation hence the need to make the change now.

To address these issues a new charity has been formed, 'The Glenmoriston Millennium Hall Community Association' (SC051089) and the assets of the Hall and the land it stands on are being transferred to the new charity.

One of the advantages of the new SCIO structure is that it is a membership organisation led by a board of elected trustees. The board is elected by the members of the SCIO, which is why we are encouraging everyone in the local area to become a member.

Whilst the old committee had representatives nominated by the regular clubs that used the Hall the committee was unelected. The new charity and constitution has a fully elected board and any member of the SCIO may stand for election to be on that board. The first election is to take place at the first general meeting which is expected to be held in November. At that time the old management committee will step down and cease to exist and the new board of trustees elected.

To have your say in who is on the board or to become a board member yourself complete an
Online Application here.

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